AcroFusion TT by @Sicily Acro & @acroseeds WHEN:
07 -18 March 2022 Acro Fusion teacher Training
19-20 March 20202 Acro Fusion Festival At the end of the TT, in the same location for 2 days of the weekend, there will be a wonderful festival that will be held by international teachers and from the new Acro Fusion Teachers
How to register and application form:
A new project to spread acroyoga in Europe in a new way!
History and dreams:
After about 10 years of experience and training, they decide to create their own training and teaching method. We started in 2018 in Italy and now we are with over 70+ Acro Fusion teachers. Considering the excellent results and also having had participants from France, Germany, Argentina, Holland, we decided to make their first TT outside Italy to explore other European countries with the hope of being equally successful in other countries. FOCUS of the TT:The training is based on the fusion of many disciplines (Vinyasa Yoga, Acrobatic, Movement, Floorwork, Handstand, Thai massage, and other restorative practice) to explore better all Acroyoga aspects. The focus is on how to teach and build strength (AcroJedi) and fluidity (Acro Flow). Space for personal practice is also available to improve personal, technical, and professional skills: a lot of calibrations, progressions, whips, pops, H2H and Standing Acro.
7:30 – 8:45 Movement – Vinyasa Yoga – Flow work – Pre hub
9:00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.00 – 13.00 Foundation – Jedi Training – Handstand
13.00 – 15.00 Lunch break
15.00 – 18.30 Acro Flow – Teaching groups – Workshops
What you will learn:
12 hours of Movement: yoga – handstand prehab related to acro20 hours of Acro Flow & Jedi Training methodology: Workshops, progressions and methodology to develop a consistent and fluid practice with (@Luigi Mercurio, @Francesco Semino, Alberto @Bet-sinlao, @Alessia Spataro)20 hours teaching methodology of Icarian & Standing (Alfonso & Alberto)5 hours of therapeutic flight and Thai massage (Luigi, Francesco, Adrian)12 hours of Methodology to be an excellent teacher, how to use the voice of use of the space, progressions, sharing of roles, organization of time during a class, preparatory warm-ups, etc … (theoretical and above all practical)
Awarded by AcrofusionTeachers: Francesco Semino, Luigi Mercurio, Alberto Bet-sinlao, Alessia Spataro Romano.
Special Guess: @Alfonso Sabaidee & Alberto Betsinlao2 amazing international teachers that will join with their international experiences 3 full days of the TT!! Alberto will stay for 7 days, 5 for the TT and 2 for the Festival)https://www.instagram.com/alfonsosabaidee/
@Sicilyacro (Luigi Mercurio-Francesca Famà) & @AcroSeeds (Francesco Semino – Valeria Maggiali)
@Sicily Acro:
In their practice, they love to create fluid and elegant flows but also enjoy the energy of speed and tempo through whips, whip-pops, and Icarian games.
check some videos:
@Acro Seeds:
Francesco and Valeria Semino, aka Acroseeds. They have trained with the main international schools of Acroyoga and have been teaching since 2012. Both are certified as Acroyoga International Immersion teachers and Acroyoga Montreal teachers level 2. They transmit with passion the teachings received from their coaches.
What we expect you will learnHow to teach acroyoga to multilevel classes in a clear, safe and fun way and How to customize the practice
How to train in a sustainable, smart, and Fun way
Specific contents:
Elements of vinyasa yoga aimed at Personal practice
Elements of acrobatics
Elements of floorwork and movement
Acroyoga: foundations, inversions, acro-jedi, acro-flow, whips, icarian’s
Teaching methods and teaching methodology
Didactics: progression, communication, creativity
Thai massage/restorative practice
Elements of anatomy applied to acro yoga
Exercises for the sustainability of the practice
Marketing elements
Photo shooting:
During the teacher training is included a professional photo shooting: bring your favorite clothes!
Portrait picture and some acro action shoot
théâtre en l’Air – 9 bis rue de la Place – 60480 Abbeville St Lucien
Check here your pre-reg: https://www.acrofusion.it/prereq/
For more information:
Price:Teacher training fee:
early bird before 31/12 1000€
Sleep: 10€ per night in the gym (to be confirmed, in the TT building there is a room with 15 beds and a small separator between them
Food: 300€ for the full TT (12 days, includes breakfast lunch and dinner)
food: details to comeAt info@acrofusion.it we always answer any question.
By canceling your reservation by Dec 31, you will receive the full amount paid minus € 50 for expenses.
By canceling your reservation after Feb 1st, you will receive half of the investment paid.
By canceling the reservation after February 1st it is not possible to receive the amount paid.
If the event is canceled due to decree laws for covid-19 prevention you will be fully refunded

Hi, the first day at what time does the training starts?
Hey Fernando! In the morning at 9/10ish! Ususally we are sharp with timing but the first day is more flexible.